
If you're aiming to protect your investment, consider finding assets that move in the opposite direction during a specific time frame and period. To do this, utilize the "Inverse Cross Assets Match" tool available on the ticker page. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ticker of your interest, for example, for Crypto Solana, enter SOLUSD in the search bar at the top left.

    Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 12.53.17 PM.png

  2. On the left side, select the "Cross Assets Match" option. - label a in the picture

  3. In the bottom, select your interested time interval - label b. in the picture

  4. Activate the inverse option on the right handle - label c in the picture

  5. Choose the symbol that matches inversely, and it will be displayed overlaid on the chart.

    1. label d. in the picture
    2. In this scenario, examining the latest 5-minute chart, X:LTCBTC, X:XRPBTC, and $SWFTCUSD exhibit movements opposite to X:SOLUSD. The chart illustrates that when $X:SOLUSD declines, X:LTCBTC and $SWFTCUSD rise, and vice versa.


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